Biking Papago Park

Papago is a convenient spot for an after-work ride and an easy spot for a beginner ride. It's trails are neither technical nor overly strenuous, though it is possible to seek out some areas of greater difficulty if you want to test your newly acquired skill and confidence. If you are in South Scottsdale, the Mill Ave area, or southeast Phoenix, the park is quickly accessible by car, or simply by biking the canal running down 64th Street. Park off Galvin Parkway on either the west side, or on the east side at the entrance to the Phoenix Zoo. There is also parking on McDowell road as it crests the hill, but this area is limited and is only accessible to eastbound traffic. The park extends on both sides of Galvin Parkway and is filled with a web of trails. There is no shortage of places to ride, however the ride can become boring as a significant amount of time is spent making arbitrary turns down different trails that run through the same general area. What the area lacks in...