Things to know if you're new to yoga.

Yoga is one of the easiest to start and enjoyable to do that I've found. The only necessary equipment is a mat, and even that can usually be borrowed from your gym or studio. Here are some etiquette tips, general pointers, and random observations that will help you whether you're a beginner or have been bending for a while. Relaxing before free flow yoga at the W Hotel in Scottsdale. 1. Yoga is very welcoming of newcomers, so don't stress if people around you look relaxed, together, and flexible. In most classes, there are all levels of students present and even those who have been practicing for years aren't necessarily great at everything. Just roll out your mat, have a seat, and be calm. (being calm is like 80% of yoga in the first place). The teacher will probably give various versions of each pose, just do what is comfortable to you and don't worry if you're not as bent over as everyone'll get there, that's why they call it ...