Eating through Flagstaff - MartAnnes Cafe
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Spoiler alert. |
I was pretty apprehensive about MartAnnes after the previous day's recommendation--The Toasted Owl--left me a little burnt. You see, MartAnnes was recommended to me by an attractive hipster (or maybe hippie? Never can tell...) barista the previous morning. Upon seeing my face contort in confusion over the name, she explained that it was a combination of "Martha" and "Anne." This, along with the referring source, led me to believe that it would be a very uppity, "granola" sort of place where one would pay $5 for a muffin, $8 for fruit and yogurt, and the closest thing to meat would be tempeh bacon.
But, determined to explore the Flagstaff food scene, I decided to take the risk and try MartAnnes--after all, it was down the street from the diner if all went to pot.
So I arrived at MartAnnes Café, décor and exterior not doing much to assuage my hippie concerns. I ventured in and scoped out the menu. Ok, definitely not hippie food, lots of Mexican selections on a varied menu. But it looked like breakfast potatoes, et al, were a la carte, so the price didn't seem to match the items. Whatever, I can throw down a couple bucks for hash browns or home fries.
Wait a tic! Small print! Breakfast entrées come with home fries, tortillas, rice, and beans! In addition to everything else! Holy guacamole! (not included in price of meal) Now the dish I was eyeing went from 'eh, that'll probably do, I guess' to 'this is literally too much food to handle... that sounds good, I'll have that.'
Feeling already rejuvenated simply by the discovery of sides, I confidently set out to order... until I tried to pronounce the name of the dish and just decided to sheepishly truncate it to "uh, I'll have... the Jerry... uh, yea, the Jerry."
There is no situation where this is unwelcome. Even twice on this entry...
The Jerry--it's all you need to know about MaryAnn: Enchiladas topped with over-medium eggs, accompanied by pork green-chili, as well as the aforementioned sides! This is every bit as good as it looks and as good as you'd imagine. In fact, I want it now. (no matter when you read this, the previous sentence will be accurate at that exact time). I wish I had an after-shot so you could realize how much food this was--I was hungry, feeling a little cocktail flu, and am a 6'4"/250lb man, yet I could not finish this meal.
!Holy frijoles! Que bona fortuna!! MartAnnes is maybe the best breakfast joint in Arizona!
Thank god the Matt's Big Breakfast crowd doesn't travel well or eating here would be impossible... well, not really, because that crowd wouldn't know an actual good breakfast if it was served in front of their face.*
*Offence not intended to Matt's Big Breakfast or their patrons. Please keep reading my blog. And find a better breakfast place--if it's good enough for Guy Fieri, it's not good enough for you.